
Послушать/скачать выпуск с нашего диска:

Час 1
01. Audiofive — Ignite Your Mind [Sounds and Frequencies Recordings]
02. AudioStorm — Silent Euforia [Balkan Connection]
03. Chimitdorzhi, Kay Deet — Eternal [Arey]
04. Chris Drifter — Kaleidoscope [Creatus Flow]
05. Enertia-sound — The Gathering [Droid9]
06. Frederick Ansgar — Newland Castle [DP-6 Records]
07. Melodiam (AR) — Cosmic [AH Digital]
08. Pepe Rubino — Pure Control (Original Version) [Mystic Carousel Records]
09. Stan Seba, Emiliano Ferrareso — Miles Apart (Land Mammal UK Remix) [Soundscapes Digital]
10. Rudra (SL) — Cactus [Big Bells Records]
11. Melodiam (AR) — Trippin [AH Digital]
Час 2
01. Melodiam (AR) — Swimming Universe [AH Digital]
02. RYAN (CU) — Shanti (Jero Nougues Remix) [Droid9]
03. Soulmade (AR) — Ryujin [Balkan Connection]
04. RZNEBEL — Anthropocene (Emiliano Ferrareso Remix) [Creatus Flow]
05. Ghost SL — Overthink [Sounds and Frequencies Recordings]
06. Influence (IN) — Off Grid [Droid9]
07. Chris Drifter — You Wanna Tell Me [Creatus Flow]
08. Chimitdorzhi, Kay Deet — Crystal [Arey]
09. Enertia-sound — Shankra [Droid9]
10. Gero Campo — Distinctive Indicate [Sounds and Frequencies Recordings]